Congratulations to the RightScale and EUCALYPTUS teams for joining forces. Both teams have extremely cool technology and smart people. It is going to be interesting to see how both technologies evolve with the cloud computing landscape so rapidly evolving and maturing.
Internal clouds are still in their infancy but both these technologies have the potential to play a role in them. See my earlier post on EUCALYPTUS and its potential for commercialization. But internal clouds start playing into the notion of data center management and automation, a crowded, complex space, and it seems that the two teams are positioning this only for evaluation purposes for enterprises (not so for universities and start-ups).
It would be great to see more and more of the tools and frameworks that support EC2 also support Eucalyptus, which should be fairly simple given that Eucalyptus has implemented the EC2 and S3 APIs.
In any case, good luck to Rich, Michael and their teams.
See the full press release on John Willis's blog.