Just thought it would be useful to list some of the folks I follow in Twitter who write about, talk about or practice cloud computing (in no particular order):
James Urquhart (jamesurquhart) - my fellow podcaster on Overcast and author of Wisdom of Clouds, now at the Cisco office of CTO doing cloud related stuff (congrats again, James!)
John Willis (botchagalupe)
Randy Bias (randybias)
Duncan Johnston Watt (duncanjw) - founder of Enigmatec and now CloudSoft
David Berlind (dberlind)
Alistair Croll (acroll)
Jian Zhen (onsaas) - stream of cloud computing related news
Michael Sheehan (hightechdad) - Evangelist for GoGrid
Lance Wicks (lancew)
Alexis Richardson (monadic) - Cohesive FT guy
Kent Langley (kentlangley) - Joyent guy and cloud blogger
Sam Charrington (samcharrington) - Appistry guy
Christine Gupta (mrsboogie) - marketing person at Flexiscale
Jeff Barr (jeffbarr) - Amazon web Services evangelist
Deepak Singh (mndoci) - Amazon Web Services BD guy
Werner Vogels (werner) - Amazon CTO
Simone Brunozzi (simon) - Amazon Web Services evangelist in Europe
Martin Buhr (tallmartin) - Amazon Web Services Biz dev guy in Europe
Paul Retherford (paulretherford)
Bob Lozano (boblozano) - Appistry founder
Rich Miller (datacenter) - Tech journalist from Data Center Knowledge
Christofer Hoff (beaker) - Security expert
Dekel Tankel (dekt) - Cloud guy at GigaSpaces
Ynema Mangum (ymangum) - Cloud Computing Product Line Manager at Sun
Paul Lancaster (paullancaster) - GoGrid guy
Daryl Plummer (darylplummer) - Gartner analyst
Cohesive FT (elasticserver)
GoGrid (gogrid)
GigaSpaces (gigaspaces)
Joyent (joyent)
Appistry (appistry)
On Demand (ondemand) -- SaaS news
Cloud Camp (cloudcamp)
And of course, please follow me.
Please recommend anyone that's not on the list in the comments to this post.